Thursday, January 26, 2012

Opening Sequence Of Children Of Men

Children of Men

Who is being represented, more like what is being represented - in the opening sequence of the film we can see that the world is in ruin damaged and this is represented by the people in the cages and the fire, the prisons and rubbish lining the streets, on the magazine front covers at the start we can read 'All foreigners are now illegal' this is clearly a break down in international relationships and the countries all in deep trouble, it also stats that people are now infertile, so the human race is an endangered species . The film is also set in the future, this is represented by the technology we can see and the death date of the person on the TV. This is a very negative representation of the future, showing it too be damaged and broken, the human race struggling.

The Titles appearing on the screen are plain, white, basic fonts and medium sized - but the titles are over the action shown on the screen, the images and videos appearing on the screen are a good representation of the thriller genre, it opens up a lot of questions and shows a great deal of danger - both of which are key elements in a thriller genre. the plain effect is probably used to create a sense of depression, where grander titles would distract the audience and would maybe represent the film as a much more happy film.

The Camera is showing a load of close ups on various people and places, showing a kitten on a mans leg, the kitten is rather deprived looking. We also get a close up of a mans tattoo that says CRAZZ in graffiti font, but there also long shots, showing a field with burning wood and a car just driving along. The sound is creepy, where the dominant sound is the piano hitting low notes every time the image on the screen changes.

The production company that made this film was Universal, this may effect the films content to appeal to their political views, of they didn't agree with what was shown on the screen then they wouldn't produce it.
From the title sequence I can guess that the rest of the film will be a fight for survival, where the lead protagonist has found a way to get the human race back on track and people disagree with it and want to kill him.

1 comment:

  1. There is very good work on here Kit. Please make sure that you publish and keep updating your production log. This is going to be important if you intend to work by yourself.
